This is how it began...

There’s no better place to start

Board of Directors

1974-75: local agencies began meetings to share program information



Human Resources Center project started (outreach project of the Cornwall Employment Centre)


Youth Canada Work Project began


Other project funding became available and GLENGARRY INTER-AGENCY GROUP (GIAG) was formed and incorporated as the sponsoring agency December 1976

Original directors of the Corporation:

Allan Valance
Allan William Burn
Pierrette Laflamme
Eugène Bergeron
Sylvio Cléroux

There’s No Better Place To Start

The Constitution of the Agency states its aims and objectives as:


Encouraging scientific research and carrying on surveys to improve the life of various groups of Glengarry County residents.


Promoting the education, training, development and welfare of all Glengarry County residents at home, in institutions, and in public and private schools, and to own and operate residences and training centers.


Co-operating with public and private agencies and the various departments of government and other groups and organizations having a similar purpose.


Carrying on without the purpose of gain for its members and any profits or other accreditations to the corporation shall be used in promoting its objects.


Providing French Language Services to meet the specific and changing linguistic and cultural needs of our Francophone clients.